Are you sometimes unsure if your important e-mail you sent is received? In such case, you will really want to make sure that your e-mail reaches your intended recipient.
Some time we can try to send our self a copy by using the option BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) which will send us a copy without letting the recipient know you are sending to yourself. Still, this is not a good solution, if the problem is not at your side. You may receive your own e-mail while your recipient may not.
So what else can you do? Following is the suggested way you should try.
Add a Read and/or Delivery Receipt
1. Create a new message. Click the Options button. The Message Options window will appear.
2. In the Voting and Tracking Options area, check Request a delivery receipt for this message.
Click OK
Now you can compose your message and send.
Create a new message and click on the Options button.
Check the option-Request a Delivery Receipt. It is much easier than the earlier versions.
Now you can compose your message and send.
This option helps you make sure your mail reaches your recipient. If you want to even make sure that your e-mail is opened by your recipient, then use the following option:
READ RECEIPT: (Follow the same steps as Delivery Receipt above)
This is a tool which lets you know further as it tells you if the message not only reaches your recipient but even opened.
Note: This only tells you the message is opened but whether they read or not is no more important. This option can’t help you anymore, lolzzzzzzzzz.
The above option is only for specific e-mail. If you want Delivery or Read Receipt for every of your sent mails, please follow the steps bellow. However, I don’t recommend you to do so.
This time, click on the main mail window. Go to Tools->Options->Select Preferences Tab. Here you can find a button named Email Options.
In the Email Option window, select Tracking Options.
Now tick what you want
Any question, please let me know! MPSINFO
CONSTITUTION | Supreme Norm of the Cambodian Legal Hierarchy Adopted by the Constituent Assembly; promulgated by the King. |
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW | Revision or Amendment of the Constitution, voted by the National Assembly with a majority of two-third of all its Members |
KRAM (Law) | Designates either the promulgated Law and the Act of Promulgation of a Law by the King Signed by the King or, in His absence, by the acting Chief of State; countersigned by the Prime minister and the interested Minister. |
KRET (Decree) | Highest Norm that may be enacted by the Executive Power, within the framework of its Regulatory Power. Signed by the King or, in His absence, by the acting Chief of State; generally countersigned by the Prime Minister and the interested Minister. |
ANUKRET (Sub-Decree) | Regulation adopted by the Prime Minister and countersigned by the interested Minister. |
PRAKAS (Regulation) | Regulation adopted by a Minister (or the Governor of the National Bank for Banking Issues) |
SARACHOR (Circular) | Ministerial implementing measure |
Paparazzi (singular: Paparazzo) is an Italian term used to refer to photojournalists who specialize in candid photography of celebrities, politicians, and other prominent people. Paparazzi tend to be independent contractors, unaffiliated with a mainstream media organization.
Photo: Wikipedia::Paparazzi style photography |
The word “ paparazzi” is an eponym originating in the 1960 film La dolce vita directed by Federico Fellini. One of the characters in the film is a news photographer named Paparazzo (played by Walter Santesso). In his book Word and Phrase Origins, Robert Hendrickson writes that Fellini took the name from an Italian dialect that describes a particularly annoying noise, that of a buzzing mosquito. In his school days, Fellini remembered a boy who was nicknamed “ Paparazzo” (Mosquito), because of his fast talking and constant movements, a name Fellini later applied to the fictional character in La dolce vita.
Paparazzi hiding in the flowers |
This version of the word’s origin has been strongly contested. For example, in an interview with Fellini’s screenwriter Ennio Flaiano, he said the name came from a southern Italy travel narrative by Victorian writer George Gissing, By the Ionian Sea. The book, published in 1901, gives the name of a hotel proprietor, Signor Paparazzo. He further states that either Fellini or Flaiano opened the book at random, saw the name, and decided to use it for the photographer. This story is documented by a variety of Gissing scholars and in the book A Sweet and Glorious Land: Revisiting the Ionian Sea (St. Martin’s Press, 2000) by John Keahey, and Pierre Coustillas.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Worried about your E-mail Delivery?
Are you sometimes unsure if your important e-mail you sent is received? In such case, you will really want to make sure that your e-mail reaches your intended recipient.
Some time we can try to send our self a copy by using the option BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) which will send us a copy without letting the recipient know you are sending to yourself. Still, this is not a good solution, if the problem is not at your side. You may receive your own e-mail while your recipient may not.
So what else can you do? Following is the suggested way you should try.
Add a Read and/or Delivery Receipt
1. Create a new message. Click the Options button. The Message Options window will appear.
2. In the Voting and Tracking Options area, check Request a delivery receipt for this message.
Click OK
Now you can compose your message and send.
Create a new message and click on the Options button.
Check the option-Request a Delivery Receipt. It is much easier than the earlier versions.
Now you can compose your message and send.
This option helps you make sure your mail reaches your recipient. If you want to even make sure that your e-mail is opened by your recipient, then use the following option:
READ RECEIPT: (Follow the same steps as Delivery Receipt above)
This is a tool which lets you know further as it tells you if the message not only reaches your recipient but even opened.
Note: This only tells you the message is opened but whether they read or not is no more important. This option can’t help you anymore, lolzzzzzzzzz.
The above option is only for specific e-mail. If you want Delivery or Read Receipt for every of your sent mails, please follow the steps bellow. However, I don’t recommend you to do so.
This time, click on the main mail window. Go to Tools->Options->Select Preferences Tab. Here you can find a button named Email Options.
In the Email Option window, select Tracking Options.
Now tick what you want
Any question, please let me know! MPSINFO
CONSTITUTION | Supreme Norm of the Cambodian Legal Hierarchy Adopted by the Constituent Assembly; promulgated by the King. |
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW | Revision or Amendment of the Constitution, voted by the National Assembly with a majority of two-third of all its Members |
KRAM (Law) | Designates either the promulgated Law and the Act of Promulgation of a Law by the King Signed by the King or, in His absence, by the acting Chief of State; countersigned by the Prime minister and the interested Minister. |
KRET (Decree) | Highest Norm that may be enacted by the Executive Power, within the framework of its Regulatory Power. Signed by the King or, in His absence, by the acting Chief of State; generally countersigned by the Prime Minister and the interested Minister. |
ANUKRET (Sub-Decree) | Regulation adopted by the Prime Minister and countersigned by the interested Minister. |
PRAKAS (Regulation) | Regulation adopted by a Minister (or the Governor of the National Bank for Banking Issues) |
SARACHOR (Circular) | Ministerial implementing measure |
What is Paparazzi and why are they called like this?
Paparazzi (singular: Paparazzo) is an Italian term used to refer to photojournalists who specialize in candid photography of celebrities, politicians, and other prominent people. Paparazzi tend to be independent contractors, unaffiliated with a mainstream media organization.
Photo: Wikipedia::Paparazzi style photography |
The word “ paparazzi” is an eponym originating in the 1960 film La dolce vita directed by Federico Fellini. One of the characters in the film is a news photographer named Paparazzo (played by Walter Santesso). In his book Word and Phrase Origins, Robert Hendrickson writes that Fellini took the name from an Italian dialect that describes a particularly annoying noise, that of a buzzing mosquito. In his school days, Fellini remembered a boy who was nicknamed “ Paparazzo” (Mosquito), because of his fast talking and constant movements, a name Fellini later applied to the fictional character in La dolce vita.
Paparazzi hiding in the flowers |
This version of the word’s origin has been strongly contested. For example, in an interview with Fellini’s screenwriter Ennio Flaiano, he said the name came from a southern Italy travel narrative by Victorian writer George Gissing, By the Ionian Sea. The book, published in 1901, gives the name of a hotel proprietor, Signor Paparazzo. He further states that either Fellini or Flaiano opened the book at random, saw the name, and decided to use it for the photographer. This story is documented by a variety of Gissing scholars and in the book A Sweet and Glorious Land: Revisiting the Ionian Sea (St. Martin’s Press, 2000) by John Keahey, and Pierre Coustillas.